Wow, I definitely have some catching up to do! I'd like to say "I've just been so beyond busy and haven't had time to blog," but really, I just wasn't in the mood last weekend to do it lol. So, time to play catch up...
Last Friday, Tys & I met up with his family up at the Rice Eccles Stadium for the High School Football 5A State Championship game.
Josh had a really great game and the Knights walked away with the
BIG W of the year! Josh was even interviewed for
this article.
Congrats Lone Peak! It was fun seeing what a Football State Game was like; haha sorry Orem.
Saturday, Tyson & I got to just relax for the first time that weekend and then met up with his family for some Cafe Rio since his sister Brittney and his nephew Caleb were in town. We also hung around that night and played some games since we wouldn't be seeing Britt until a little after Christmas.
It was SO much fun getting to see her and Caleb again! Not to mention.... BRITTNEY IS PREGGERS AGAIN! haha so much fun! Can't believe she is 25 and bakin up baby #3! As Jason would say, "She's quite the breeder". :P
The Duggars have some competition coming their way ;) |
After a nice relaxing Sunday, Tyson had to fly back to Mesa. We weren't too upset this time since he got to fly in Wednesday! So we only went about 3 days alone this time.
Mom & Steve went out of town to see her family up in Washington, so I was house-sitting from Tuesday-Saturday; Tys & I stayed at my mom's to hold down the fort and take care of the zoo :). Had my fish Kenny, cats Skeeter and Oliver, and of course, Mom's third child Max.
I LOVE getting to house-sit. I get to be home with my kitties and Max is always the best little dog to take care of. He's the best to take on errands too :).
Not to mention, for Thanksgiving, the Bucks were nice enough to let me bring Max to their house so I didn't have to leave every once in a while to take him potty. He did such a great job and even ended up passing out the last few hours since he's used to being in bed around 9 lol.
Thanksgiving was a lot of fun. I loved just having a small family get together with the Bucks. Roxi made a delicious dinner as always, and I made Pumpkin Pies for dessert. (Turned out pretty well for my first pies) :)
We played games all night and I loved it! They are so much fun to be around. Definitely haven't laughed that hard in a while, thanks to
Curses, &
MadGab. lol
I am beyond Thankful for so many things in my life. I'm not gonna list them all out since everyone does it and everyone is sick of reading what people are thankful for lol. Just know I am so blessed and have amazing people in my life.
I have been getting SO bored with my hair lately! I've been growing it out for a while, since I completely regret cutting it chin-length-bobbed short a couple of years ago. So I got my hair trimmed up (it's been far too long) and decided I wanted to color it myself.
I wasn't gonna cut it since I regretted that last time (couldn't pull it up). Wasn't gonna cut bangs since they lasted about a week (were always greasy by day 2). So, all I was left to do to change things up is color it.
I used to be HUGE on coloring my hair all the time in junior high and high school; even a few times in college. Black, Brown, Blonde, Red, Mix, you name it. But, since it's so ridiculously expensive to keep up on a good color, I let it all grow out and went Au' Naturale.
I always hear "you shouldn't box-color your hair" blah blah blah... well, I'm sick of paying too much for hair color that I can't keep up on and ends up washing out, so I bought my own. Tys went with me and even helped me color it! It turned out really pretty actually.
Kind of like this, not as red. |
I went a Violet Darker Brown. I'd have a picture but I didn't get around to taking many pictures this weekend. And I'm not posting one now because I have end-of-the-weekend-hair and it's ready to be washed tonight lol.
Feel like this might be possible for me right now lol |
I'll post a pic soon of my new hair color. It's not that different. A bit darker, but enough change for me to feel good about my hair for a while :)
Friday, Tyson and I waited around a while before heading out to finish the last of our stocking stuffers shopping. I personally DO NOT AT ALL understand the Black Friday shoppers. Is it really worth waiting in line for hours or days to hit the sales??
I for one, turned into an online shopper years ago! I have a problem with large crowds and lots of people. An anxiety you could say lol. So, I either shop online or go to the one store I need when I know it won't be busy.
My kind of mall...... EMPTY :) |
We were both lucky enough to get NEW phones Friday too! My new iPhone 4S came in the mail that morning and we got Tyson a new one from T-Mobile for Christmas; all thanks to Mama Barb and Steve :).
HTC Radar |
iPhone 4S |
I'm OBSESSED with Apple products. They really are amazing and I wouldn't have anything else. I used to have an iPhone, but lost it at the Strawberry Days Rodeo 2 years ago. So, I bought myself a cheap Blackberry Pearl. haha I loved it but my family called it The Brick. It's ancient but I love the buttons and simplicity. But, it was on it's last limbs anyways so the iPhone 4S came right in time!
Not so sure how I feel about Siri yet though. She seems to have quite the attitude when I try getting to know her. lol
ummm... guess not lol |
But I love her answers sometimes too lol.
Saturday, Tyson & I just finished cleaning up the house a bit before we left. After my mom and Steve got home, we headed up to the Gateway to look around the Planetarium and hit up a movie. We decided to see Arthur Christmas (not like there's much else out anyways). But it was actually a really cute movie. Got me a little choked up at the end, but then again, it doesn't take a whole lot to make me teary anyways lol.
Definitely a recommended movie for the holidays.
Today, after sleeping in and lounging around, I FINALLY finished up one of my mom's gifts for her birthday. It's next Sunday on the 4th so I have just enough time to finish her second gift as well; she requested a table runner for the dining table for the holidays.
She picked out the fabric and border, and I'll be starting/finishing it tomorrow most likely. LOVE MY HOLIDAY CRAFTS!! Thank you Pinterest :D
Just dropped Tyson off at the airport for the LAST time! FINALLY!!
My last trip to Mesa is this coming Friday and then he's home the 16th of December! Man time flew by fast. Unfortunately we have a gap from the 5th-15th without seeing each other, but knowing how things have been going and the things I still have to finish for Christmas (FAMILY DVD for 2011!), the time will fly.
Can you believe the semester is already almost over!? It's about time :)
We still haven't heard much as far as football scholarships are concerned; Bronco and the Linebacker coach at BYU want to meet up with me and Tyson one of these days though - weird to think of Tyson playing at BYU, not sure how I could manage that one ;) lol. I'm a Utah alumni and have the right to wear a
red BYU shirt if I so choose to lol.
Well, you survived the long update. I'll try to be more update-motivated next time. And yes, I'm aware my picture-taking-skills are at an all time low lol